Abril 28-2018 Buffet: «Fiesta Parrillera» Calgary AB

Hola a todos, SABOR A PERU le invita a nuestro buffet: «Fiesta Parrillera» en èl cual podras deleitar de los más variados platos y/o parrillas de nuestra gastronomia Peruana.

– Caldo de Gallina .
– Estacion de ensaladas frescas.
– Estacion de verduras cocidas.

– chimichurri.
-Aji Parrillero
-Aji anticuchero.
-rocoto molido.
-crema huancaina.
-crema ocopa.
-salsa tartara.
-salsa golf.

-Anticuchos, mollejitas, rachi y pancita
-chuletas de cerdo.
-Brochetas de pollo
-costillas de cerdo
-Costillitas de res
-alitas de pollo parrilleras
-chorizos artesanales de cerdo .
-champiñones a la parrilla.

-arroz con choclo.
-choclitos al vapor.
-papas doradas.
-papas Sancochadas.
-pure de papas.
-papas fritas

-compota de melocoton.
-Frutas de estacion.
-Fuente de chocolate.

Chicha morada , refresco de Maracuya , Emoliente , Gaseosas y cervezas.
* las bebidas no estan incluidos en el precio del buffet.

El precio del buffet por persona sera de: $23.99 adulto
$12.00 niños entre 5 – 14 años.

Sabado 28 de Abril de 1:00 pm a 8:00 pm

Lugar  Town and Country Hotel  (1825 50 street s.e., Calgary T2B 1M6)

Ven a disfrutar un momento agradable con buena comida peruana , la más cálida atencion y la mejor musica.

Hello everyone! We would like to invite you to our buffet:» Peruvian BBQ Party»
and you will enjoy the following dishes of the peruvian cuisine !


-Caldo de gallina ( Peruvian hen soup )
Salad bar (Fresh and cooked ).

Peruvian sauces and pickled chilli peppers:

– chimichurri. (A pickled mix of parsley,celery,garlic,oregano,olive oil and vinegar)
-Aji Parrillero (spicy sauce made with peruvian yellow chilli pepper)
-Aji anticuchero.( spicy sauce made with onion ,garlic and peruvian yellow chilli pepper).
-rocoto molido.(spicy sauce made with peruvian red hot bell pepper)
-crema huancaina.( cream made with cheeses, crackers, milk and peruvian yellow pepper)
-crema ocopa. (Crema made with huacatay/peruvian aromatic herb/ , sweet cookies, peanuts,cheese and milk.)
-Golf sauce.

Main courses and steaks:

-Anticuchos ( Beef heart marinated, skewered, and seared over the grill. )
-Rachi , pancita ( marinated cow’s belly cooked in the flat grill.)
–Pollada (chicken marinated with chilli and spices)
-chuletas de cerdo.(pork chops marinated with peruvian spices)
-Brochetas de pollo (chicken skewers with peppers and onions)
-Churrascos ( rib eye with bone steak)
-costillas de cerdo. ( Grilled Pork Ribs)
-Costillitas de res (Grilled beef ribs)
-alitas de pollo parrilleras .(marinated and grilled chicken wings)
-chorizos artesanales de cerdo .(homemade sausages)
-champiñones a la parrilla. ( Grilled mushrooms)

Side dishes:

-white rice with corn
-boiled corn
-grilled potatoes
-mushed potato
-french fries


-melocoton fruit compote.
-chocolate fountain.
-Fresh fruits Bar.

– chicha morada (Peruvian beverage made from purple corn.)
– refresco de maracuya(passion fruit juice).
-emoliente ( peruvian infusion of herbs and pearl barley).
– Inca kola ( peruvian pop)
– beer and pop’s.

$23.99 adults
$12.00 kids (5-14 years)

* beverages are not included in the Buffet price.

Come and enjoy the best peruvian food with warm attencion and good music!!!

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